Fat Injection
With aging, there is a gradual loss of facial fat volume. Loss of fullness in the cheeks and hollowness under the eyes give a tired expression. As you move down the face, nasolabial folds (laugh lines) and lines running down from the corner of the lips may become more prominent.
The way to reverse the signs of aging is to replace the fat lost during the natural aging process and regain the required tension and volume. The purpose of facial fat injection is to reverse the signs of the aging process and give the face a youthful shape. Facial fat filling (facial fat injection) is a procedure that uses the patient's own fat to rejuvenate or add volume to certain areas of the face. Fat taken from areas such as the abdomen, waist, inner thighs or knees is purified and reinjected into predetermined areas of the face using a small, blunt cannula. A natural and beautiful result is achieved if the fat is distributed to its normal anatomical distribution, which melts with age. Fat tissue is one of the tissues richest in stem cells. Stem cells are very few, specialized cells that have the potential to transform into any cell type in our body to replace worn-out, worn-out or damaged cells.