PRP Treatment
PRP or platelet-rich plasma therapy is a treatment method in which blood taken from the person is processed through various processes and injected into the tissues planned to be treated in the body. It can be used for aesthetic problems such as hair loss and skin rejuvenation, as well as to accelerate the healing of injured tendons, ligaments, muscles and joints.
PRP is a form of treatment performed by injecting a substance obtained from the person's own blood, consisting of the initials of the words 'Platelet Rich Plasma' in English. The injected substance is platelet-enriched plasma. Plasma is a component of blood that contains special cells called platelets or other factors and proteins that help blood clot. Plasma also contains various proteins that support cell growth. By isolating and concentrating plasma from blood, researchers have obtained a blood component called PRP, which is a plasma richer in platelet cells. Injecting PRP into damaged tissues encourages the growth of new, healthy cells in the body. PRP is also thought to support healing in damaged tissue. Since tissue growth factors are more concentrated in the prepared concentrated injection material, healing in body tissues is accelerated.
PRP therapy, which takes approximately 30-40 minutes to complete, begins with the collection of the patient's blood in a tube. Platelet-rich plasma is used by separating it from other components of whole blood by centrifugation. Because platelets serve as a natural reservoir for growth factors necessary to repair injured tissues. Growth factors secreted by platelets stimulate tissue healing by increasing collagen production and gene and protein expression in tendon stem cells. These growth factors also accelerate blood flow and make cartilage harder and more flexible. PRP injections can be done in different ways. For example, before injecting into the scalp for hair loss, lidocaine, a local numbing solution, is applied if necessary. For this reason, it may be necessary to arrive at the treatment session a little early. Usually, PRP is mixed with a local anesthetic drug to reduce injection-related pain. Sometimes PRP injection can be performed along with the surgical procedure.